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2.1 Process of Organizational Change

2.1 Process of Organizational Change

Q Compare and contrast Lewin’s Theory of Change, Kotter’s 8-Step Model of Organizational Change, and the Change Path Model. What are the similarities and differences? Discuss two (2) insights into the process of leading change you gained from this analysis, and how you could apply them as a change agent.

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In case of Lewin’s Theory of Change, there is identification of need for change. In the other two models, there is also the identification of the requirement of the need for change. Lewin’s Theory of Change emphasizes on new learning and rejection of things learned before the identification of the need for change (Muldoon, 2020). In case of Kotter’s 8-Step Model of Organizational Change, existing knowledge of change leaders is accepted to be utilized to make the new change effective (Shrestha, 2020).